Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Gospel for Asia

"Our mission in life is to be devout followers of Christ and fulfill the Great Commission among the unreached in Asia through training, sending out and assisting qualified laborers in partnership with the body of Christ"

10 Core Values
1. Knowing the Lord Jesus more fully and intimately
2. Being a people of integrity and excellence
3. Living in submission to God's Word
4. Being a people of faith
5. Being a people committed to prayer and worship
6. Having a servant lifestyle
7. Being a people of grace and love
8. Serving sacrificially
9. Being a people sold out to win the lost at any cost
10. Being a people who work together with the Body of Christ

The first 5 address your private life
the last 5 address your outer life

If these 10 values were to be preached in america today, human nature would reject it just at the 1st value. But that's the only way for God to work through us.

I've been reading this book called The Calvary Road and i want to share a quote

"Revival is just the life of the Lord Jesus poured into human hearts"

People ( some believers ) read Revolution in World Missions and get this total misconception about GFA. Kinda to the point of were we have to sell everything, life in our cars, use half a stick of DO and only have one pair of shoes. ( and Buddy I'm not talking about you lol ) It's not that at all!! It's about being like Christ in every way possible. If that involves selling everything, then yes! But it doesn't matter about that at all, the only thing is that you reflect Christ, and you pray that God will save Asia.


melissa lynn said...

Those are some good core values. I definatly want to read that book. I love you!!!

Cherie said...

I pray that God saves Asia...and every other people group!
I love this!
"Revival is just the life of the Lord Jesus poured into human hearts"-Amen!

Cherie said... already live in your car!

Buddy said...

Cherie it is true I live in my car.

Michael I hear what you're saying. Just please don't drink the koolaid. (kidding!) :)

Cherie said...

Buddy...that's bad! Go to your room!

Dreama said...

Kool aid, what kool there some sort of initiation???? Oh wait, I bet you have to be at least 40 to understand that, right?
Listen to Buddy, don't drink it!! LOL!