Wednesday, September 19, 2007

...what's important..

When you're sharing the Gospel with someone, what is the most important thing?

It is taking time out of your busy day to mention Christ? Showing someone love by hugging on them? Shoving hell, sin, and judgement down someones throut? Making someone feel comfortable in their own flith or darkness? Is it speaking in big words trying to blow peoples minds?

These are some questions that have been running around in my ignorance lil mind.

As I have been reading about some old guys ( Spurgeon, Whitefield, the Wesley boys, Edwards, etc ) they preached a very simple message.

God Himself became flesh and was named Jesus, who was Gods Son..born of a virgin. This man lived a sinless life, unlike us. This man Jesus was without blemish or spot, perfect. He suffered death, death upon a cross. On the third day after that death, God raised His Son from the dead. This Man Jesus, died for the sins of the world. He died because we are all condemned and going to hell because of our sins. Therefore, place your faith in this Man, and you have to forsake the things your once knew. Once you do that, live like this Man.

Why is it so hard today to get that across. Why??

No one wants to worship a Man who died upon a tree. This message is foolishness to the world!

When Edwards preached "Sinners in the hands of an angry God" he didn't preach in this loud booming voice.....he was monotone. It doesn't matter how big you can get the Gospel to be, God can use it!!

The most important thing is that God loved us while we were dead in sin. He sent His Son to die because God hates sin. He put His full wrath upon His Son, the wrath we deserve.

the Gospel is easy, Christ made it easy, preach it easy. God convicts, be a tool He can use.... Forsake your sin, and believe. Follow after the Lamb.....and live.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

..remembering 9/11..

6th years after 9/11 I still remember that day. I was sitting in Texas History in the 7th grade with my eyes glued to the TV. Really didn't know what was going on, but knew my world was about to turn upside down. From that day we still see the images of our planes rip apart lives on the day in New York. Sitting here yesterday at work I read report after report of events, prayer services, and other speaking and mourning memorials that went on. Remembering the feeling I felt. I remember wanting to join the Navy to go over there and get even with those terrorist. Watching news reports of and video of us going into Iraq and our boys and girls risking their lives to enter war. But I've grown up since then.
I'm not out to the get them, I can't do that anymore. No...I can't even think about taking ones life. they need Jesus. I feel a burden for the terrorist. The radicals that want to kill us. I can't join the army or anything but I have some thing bigger then the army. My Father in Heaven.
Not to be the super American but we better drop our heads before the Lord and worship Him because He betowed His grace upon us, letting us be born here. He didn't have to. I know that American Christianity has its downfalls and the Church has problems. That doesn't mean we should just give up on our nation. America has been blessed, but we have to remember that we aren't God's chosen nation either.
I live in a world that scares me. Watching the news gets me depressed. War, terrorism, murder, porn, and other evil acts. Lord Jesus come quick!!
But I can't run and I. I must embrace the battle. I can't do anything on my own. I must have the Lord. Pray for America, and for those who shattered our lives.
282,338,631 Americans
2,976 lives lost
19 hijackers
4 planes
2 buildings
1 True God
pray they'll experence the Lamb of God.

Monday, September 3, 2007

....standing in AWE...

Well this weekend it was the intern camping trip!! We left Saturday and didn't get back until Monday at around 2 or so. It was some much fun, but....

When you really meet with God, He wont let you go.

The place was Witchita Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. Mountain, hills, wildlife, heat, and sleeping on the ground. But it was amazing to go up to the top of a mountian at sunset . The first night I sat down on a rock along with Nathan ( Intern leader, and one of the only other Texans at GFA) and watched the clouds roll over head. We sat there and didn't saw a word for at least 15 mins until I said " And people believe this happened by chance." ( talking about creation )

But it wasn't until the last night that God spoke to me. A group of us were on the same mountain watching the sunset and I saw the beauty that our Father had laied before us. God painted a picture right before our eyes. The colors, clouds, and the sight of Lords hand at work. As we sat there, we exchanged stories of the sunsets we've seen at home. The ones that I can remember are the ones driving back from Mels house to my house. On the bridge to the left, over the lake, there....God was painting before me a picture of His mercy, excellence, love, power.....

i am so little....and praise God i am.