Monday, September 3, 2007

....standing in AWE...

Well this weekend it was the intern camping trip!! We left Saturday and didn't get back until Monday at around 2 or so. It was some much fun, but....

When you really meet with God, He wont let you go.

The place was Witchita Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. Mountain, hills, wildlife, heat, and sleeping on the ground. But it was amazing to go up to the top of a mountian at sunset . The first night I sat down on a rock along with Nathan ( Intern leader, and one of the only other Texans at GFA) and watched the clouds roll over head. We sat there and didn't saw a word for at least 15 mins until I said " And people believe this happened by chance." ( talking about creation )

But it wasn't until the last night that God spoke to me. A group of us were on the same mountain watching the sunset and I saw the beauty that our Father had laied before us. God painted a picture right before our eyes. The colors, clouds, and the sight of Lords hand at work. As we sat there, we exchanged stories of the sunsets we've seen at home. The ones that I can remember are the ones driving back from Mels house to my house. On the bridge to the left, over the lake, there....God was painting before me a picture of His mercy, excellence, love, power.....

i am so little....and praise God i am.

1 comment:

Cherie said...

Michael...i don't know how many sunsets that I have seen from that same bridge!
Personally, I love sunrises! As I watch that sun come up I remember the scripture that talks about God's mercy being new every morning! All of His creation screams of His GLORY!
We pray for you often and look forward to a visit from you in a few more weeks?!