Tuesday, February 26, 2008

This Brother

This brother by Gods grace has had a huge impact on my life. I'm not by any means putting man before God. But I would just like to mention him and encourage you to listen to his sermons.

I was born again for about 2 months before I first heard of Paul Washer. Like many others the first sermon I heard was "The Shocking Youth Message" or as some call it "Modern American Christianity" and the Lord has used that to move me into a different mind set towards Christianity in America. The "radical" type. Or as he puts it the true Christianity. At first I couldn't listen to the sermon all the way through due to the fact that I felt he was speaking directly to me. That is my testimony, saying a prayer, asking Jesus to come into you heart and then you're set to go to Heaven. But after I was truly converted, I knew that there had to be something deeper than just "asking Jesus to come into your heart". Brother Washer explained that in that sermon, and the Lord has used it.

His name is not famous, unlike some preachers in America. Most Christians have not heard of him. Some Christians don't like him. But the more I look at websites, news articles, sermon forums, and Christians blogs I see his name come up. In my group of people I hang around, his name is top on our lists. The brothers and sisters I speak to, I encourage them to listen to his sermons. Not to make him famous, not to boast, but to challenge them with preaching and teaching with sound doctrine.

In the coming weeks I will be putting his sermon links on the blog.
for more information about his ministry go to www.heartcrymissionary.com


none said...

I have recently gotten in to Brother Paul's preaching, and I can't tell you how much he has impacted me. Actually, my brother is the one who introduced me to his stuff. I think you know of my brother, from fleebabylon.com.
I just thought I would say an encouraging hello, brother. Its always great to meet a new sybling in Christ!

Michael Cooper said...

Praise God! Your brother has actually helped me with making sermon comps. God willing, I'll be putting them on my blog. Thanks for the encouragment sister. God bless!