Friday, February 15, 2008

Inside the heart.....

Sitting here at the office I can’t help but think about the events that we call “School Shooting” This is a touchy subject in regards on who you talk to about why it happens. I was just reading about the NIU shooting that happened just yesterday. The shooter was a young boy who was very good in his school work. Smart boy I guess you could say. It was a theory a couple of years ago that music effects the actions, which interned caused the Columbine Massacre. Okay I can give you that, but my reasoning and thought may come to an offence to you or even over biblical and super spiritual.

I’ve read articles in titled “Inside the minds of school shooters” and saw how the upbringings, music, school life, social life, video games, etc can affect the mind to make them go on a rampage. True…but my question is…where does that thought to kill come from?

Mark 7:21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders.

Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Now here me out before you say “There has to be something else wrong” I don’t believe there is. Honestly I don’t. God deals with the heart.. The only problem with the kids is their own depravity, just like every single person on the face of this earth. We are dead in our sin and hate God therefore we rebel. Christ said hatred is the same as murder, and now think about this. Remember the last time you got angry. How did you feel, what was your first reaction towards them. The modern phase we use to express anger towards someone is by saying “I’ll kill them”. Now I know that there isn’t anybody on the face of this earth that wouldn’t kill if the strings of common grace were to be lifted off of us. Why because the heart is radical depraved and God hating, therefore we need the Holy Spirit to convict and regenerate. That is some pretty strong words but we follow the heart. Our conscience bears witness that it is wrong, which is a gift from God, but the heart is wicked. It’s not the music, or video games, which yes they do effect but it is so much more. The question isn’t what is inside the mind of a shooter, but what is in the heart? I can tell you that from scripture it says that an unregenerate heart produces murders. That is why the Gospel must go forth. There must be a change of heart in order to be saved. You must be born again. Only a loving, holy God can change a heart made out of stone. People aren’t going to change, until Christians can stand up and speak truth. Jesus Christ died, was raised from the dead and sits at the right hand of God. Therefore all men everywhere must repent and believe the Good News.


Cherie said...

Amen, Amen!
I was just commenting on the same issue tonight on buddy's post. I was saying that I have to constantly run to God's Word and ask the Holy spirit to help me decern my own heart and emotions.
I know that my own heart is not trust worthy!

Buddy said...

Christ died, was buried and rose again. My sermon for tomorrow exactly, wish you were going to be here.

Michael Cooper said...

hey try to record it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael!

Still praying for you,

Julie and family