Monday, March 3, 2008


"Those who try to catch the wind burn church buildings in Nigeria, but cannot burn what they cannot see. They weld doors shut in China, trying to keep Christians inside. They nail church doors shut in Indonesia, trying to keep Christians outside. They shooot Christians in Colorado in an act of hatred. Enemies of the gospel try to catch the wind using every kind of weapon to attack Christians - gasoline, welding torches, nails, bullets, or even the secular news media - but they can never succeed. God opens doors which no one can shut (Revelation 3:8). Let us ride His resurrection wind, graciouly lifting up our Savior. Just as He caught us, He will catch some of them!"
- Tom White, Director for The Voice of the Martyrs, excerpt from The Voice of the Martyrs: Pakistan His Stones Cry Out

Latly, I've been reading the book Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand, and the Lord is really showing me the reality of the intense persecution that goes on in many countries all around the world. I find it hard to accept someone slamming a door in my face, not to mention hanging upside down in a ice box until almost dead. The book shows how the Pastor went through extreme torture just because he would not stop preaching the Gospel. Throughout the first couple of chapters he points out that persecution is still happening, probably more than ever. The statement is still true "It didn't end in Rome".....

I've been asking myself a few questions...

1. Why isn't there intense persecution in America?
2. Is persecution going to come to America?
3. What produces persecution?
4. Who will last if persecution comes?

I think here is the answer...

2 Timothy 3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

*Why isn't there...not living like Christ
Is persecution comiing....if we live like Christ
What produces like Christ
Who will last......those who live like Christ.

We're not Gospel hardened, but Gospel ignorant! -Paul Washer

*just thoughts


Buddy said...
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Buddy said...

Michael...Tortured for Christ was the book that God used to work on my when I surrendered to ministry and to go to the mission field when I was 19. That seems like a million years ago. I didn't know that it was still in print. That is so awesome!!!

Todd said...

Yes, Tortured for Christ is still in print. Actually, if you live in the United States you can request a free copy from The Voice of the Martyrs at

Also at that site is video of Richard Wurmbrand sharing about his time in prison.

Todd Nettleton
The Voice of the Martyrs

Buddy said...

thanks Todd...I will definitely look into it.

Elisabeth said...

very good points.

Anonymous said...

I totally see what yer saying, and its sad, because a lot of the people in your modern christian churches, wouldn't even know what persecution really is, they think it is someone telling them that God says you need to live Holy.

I have a post on my blog that goes with your picture if you wanna check it out:

Rebekah Hope said...

Hmm.. We've asked ourselves some of the same questions. And it comes to mind - is our gospel the same as the one that the saints of God are being persecuted for?

I hope you've heard "The Martyrs Prayer" compilation, but in case you haven't, here's a quote from it that I think is very relevent.

"You're going to see increasing opposition to the gospel message in days to come in America. Because the gospel message is going to become increasingly biblical. The gospel message is going to become increasingly radical and revolutionary. And the gospel message is going to become a threat to this world system. The gospel is going to become an increasing threat to worldliness, materialism, and greed, and the gods of sports, entertainment, and fashion. The gospel is going to become an increasing threat to the rising tide of satanism and false religion. And the results will be the same as in the book of Acts. Uproar, Persecution, and great moving of God"

I've spent hours searching the web to be able to cite that quote before.. But I have to say, we're finding this true. We're feeling the opposition. And we're praying for a tidal wave...

I'm going to put up the compilation video on my blog if you want to hear more. They're very good!

Michael Cooper said...

Bekah: I've heard of the comp. I haven't listened to it in a while though. Thanks for that quote!

Jordan: I'll read your blog, I'm looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

I haven't read that one yet, but I am gonna look it up right now. I have heard of the author though.

Anonymous said...

I just got that book of amazon for like a cent! I also got Tortured for Christ. Thanks for the suggestion!