Monday, February 25, 2008

Are we not moved?

This question came up last Wednesday. Sitting on the side of the road in a section of town where the houses aren't even 6 feet from each other, you would think that there would be people looking up at the lunar eclipse. It struck me funny that as I stood across the street I could see multiple TVs on. Now don't get the idea that I'm bashing TV or trying to be all super spiritual, but here is something that will not happen until 2010. I can understand that some people can't go outside, kids need to get in bed, and all the everynight events that have to happen, but how many times in your life do you see things like this happen? How come we are more entertained by hollywood and TV shows and not moved by the things of God? Or even if there not Christians, why wouldn't you come outside to see it? I don't know if it is just me, but i'm entertained by stars. I may have to much time on my hands but I truly love looking at stars. Gazing at a black sky, fulled with little drops of light makes me feel so small and helpless. Also, the sky is the only form of entertainment I have due to the fact I have no TV, DVD player, etc. But beside that point, I know I would be outside trying to find the moon.

Are we more moved by watching someone stuck on an island, someone make of fool of themselves, someone spin around a floor, someone walk across a stage, then watching the moon turn red? Once again, I'm not saying TV is bad, nor am I judging anyone for watching TV. Please don't get that idea because I know someone people will think I'm saying that I'm more spiritual than they are because I watch a stinkin lunar eclipse. No, I'm saying that we are more shocked and awed over some girl getting kicked off a TV show then watching God yes God Himself turn the sky into a spectacle.

Sorry, I had to vent.

Also I have to make a pitch:

If you haven't read Revolution in World Missions pick up a copy from Cornerstone Church or check out the website

Another good one is The Road to Reality!


Buddy said...

Maybe they were watching live coverage of the eclipse on television? :)

Michael Cooper said...'s not the same

Michael Cooper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Recovering Noah said...

Michael, what you said makes perfect sense to me. I completely agree.
