Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Outside of the Walls

The Lord has been working in my heart. Showing me things, convicting me, and teaching me about myself. Since being back from India I've been shown a lot. Before India I without a doubt lost my passion to see the lost saved. Before India I was dry and selfish. Now I'm not saying that seeing India did it, I'm saying that the Lord has and still is chipping away pieces of my selfish heart and allowing me to see His glory. It's hard to work for a missions organization but not really be a missionary yourself. It's really hard to say I want to see the lost saved but not take the same Gospel that the brothers and sister have on the mission field to the people around me. Little by little God is showing me that we are all called to be missionaries. Missions is not what we do but who we are. That is our call! Something stuck out to me last Sunday at church. Brother Buddy kept on saying the phrase "outside of the walls". I've heard that before I was even born again. My dad said that. But over the past few weeks, God has drilled it in my brain. We must be missionaries in America. Just because we have 10 churches every 2 miles doesn't mean that people are born again. We must grab these people who are drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, liars, etc and show them the love of Christ.

I was so moved to see a family I know sell their home and move down to Mexico just to preach the Gospel and show the love of Christ to the lost and dying. It's time we start moving outside of the walls of the church and start loving people. Reaching out the community. Showing people the Gospel through our actions not only in words. Being a people sold out to win the lost at any cost.

I'm excited to start going to school and living back down in Mabank. I feel the Lord calling me there to help the church reach out. Who knows start a street ministry team, meeting in peoples homes in the middle of drug traffic, and do all this by Gods grace! I'm not saying I'm going to do all this, it is just what the Lord has laied upon me. If He chooses to use me, praise Him..but if He also wants me to sit in a room praying for the souls of that area...then praise Him. We must be missionaries. Think missions, be missions.


Buddy said...

You're right, but we don't want to forget the country clubbers, the preppy college students, the business types and model citizens in our list of folks who need the Gospel preached and lived in front of them.

Tom Clegg and Warren Bird in their book "Lost in America" claim the unchurched population in the United States is now the largest mission field in the English-speaking world, and the fifth largest globally.

That guy standing next to you in line at Starbuck's or Best Buy is just as lost as the guy on skid row.

I can't wait for you to get back home!

Michael Cooper said...

I can't wait to be back either! Street ministry is my middle name lol