Wednesday, September 19, 2007

...what's important..

When you're sharing the Gospel with someone, what is the most important thing?

It is taking time out of your busy day to mention Christ? Showing someone love by hugging on them? Shoving hell, sin, and judgement down someones throut? Making someone feel comfortable in their own flith or darkness? Is it speaking in big words trying to blow peoples minds?

These are some questions that have been running around in my ignorance lil mind.

As I have been reading about some old guys ( Spurgeon, Whitefield, the Wesley boys, Edwards, etc ) they preached a very simple message.

God Himself became flesh and was named Jesus, who was Gods Son..born of a virgin. This man lived a sinless life, unlike us. This man Jesus was without blemish or spot, perfect. He suffered death, death upon a cross. On the third day after that death, God raised His Son from the dead. This Man Jesus, died for the sins of the world. He died because we are all condemned and going to hell because of our sins. Therefore, place your faith in this Man, and you have to forsake the things your once knew. Once you do that, live like this Man.

Why is it so hard today to get that across. Why??

No one wants to worship a Man who died upon a tree. This message is foolishness to the world!

When Edwards preached "Sinners in the hands of an angry God" he didn't preach in this loud booming voice.....he was monotone. It doesn't matter how big you can get the Gospel to be, God can use it!!

The most important thing is that God loved us while we were dead in sin. He sent His Son to die because God hates sin. He put His full wrath upon His Son, the wrath we deserve.

the Gospel is easy, Christ made it easy, preach it easy. God convicts, be a tool He can use.... Forsake your sin, and believe. Follow after the Lamb.....and live.


Buddy said...

That's the thing about a sharp two edged sword. It cuts whether your "hacking away" with it or just pushing slow and steady.

Anonymous said...

Brett wants you to know that you are the "bestest swing pusher ever"!!!

Hope you have a wonderful day in the Lord!

Cherie said...

Michael, I pray that all is well. I didn't feel like I got to talk to you at all Sun. Buddy and Robert hogged you the whole time.
Sorry that we didn't get to see your video.