Wednesday, July 30, 2008

In Honor of...

To my Nana, who is the strongest woman I know. Standing at about 4' foot nothing with flaming red hair, this woman could be heard from at least a mile away just with her laugh. She wasn't just your avg old woman. She always had something to say. Being raise and living in the south will do that to you. Her humor, love, care, and personality made up "Silly Philly." It seems like yesterday that I was helping her plant flowers, putting up bird houses, and laying stone in her yard, which she loved. Oh, and just yesterday it seems like we were in the mall buying luggage for my trip to India, and just yesterday my grandmother passed from this life into the arms of Jesus. Yes she will be missed, but praise God she is in a much better place then this world.

She is a beautiful woman. Inside and outside. I will miss her coming over just to say hi. I will miss the stories of her. I will miss her smile. It just wont be the same without her.

You see, I'm sorry there are so few words but if you knew her, you would agree with me in saying that there is no way you can describe someone like her. No word explains or even comes close to touching the surface of my Nana.

That cancer the doctor said she had, didn't kill her. The fluid on her lungs, that didn't either. The infection in her body didn't phase her one bit. It just seemed right to God to take her out of this world for Himself. None of that stuff whatsoever could have held her down anyway.

I thank her for everything she was done. She is an example to me to keep on fighting. I love you, and I will miss you.

Phyllis Powell
April 15, 1946 - July 29, 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys during this time...let us know if ya'll need anything.