Sunday, April 20, 2008

To Be Missional or Not To Be Missional..That is the Question?

What a day for writing...

So Missional.

Now as some of you know, I'm not big on names.

"I'm a Reformed, Missional, Charismatic, Evangelical, Baptist!"


........anyway, I just got through reading a book by Mark Driscoll called The Radical Reformission. Which talks about Missional living and how a Christian is not to seperate himself from the culture. Now this book was a kick in the butt, but good, if you can get over the crude humor in some parts. But aside from that it was good. The message of the book is something that every Christian needs to hear. Remember..we are in the world not of the world. There is a difference.

But this whole concept of being Missional has been on my mind a lot lately. Becoming a missionary to our own culture and people. That is true, but me like most American Christians forget the fact that.....Missionaries to lands overseas have to learn the culture, language, traditions, religions, and so much more to be effective. But most American Christians, don't know much about their next door neighbor. How about your culture? Do you know how your local government is run? How about where the best place to witness is?

Now of course we know where the sinners hang out, but do we dare go to them and save souls? I'm not saying we should go into bars and witness (it's pretty hard to witness to a guy who can't even say his name without spitting on you). But as Christians we have things to do, places to go right? How about Wal Mart? Can that be a mission field? Car Wash? School?

Now I'm not an expert on Missional Living (check with Buddy Holt, he knows) but it is something we are called to.

I don't know...these are just thoughts that I've had.


Mike said...

It's tough being a small town missional type though. Not many places where folks sit and gather long enough for you to talk to them. If only we had an internet cafe or book store for pagans that served foo foo coffee.

Cherie said...


Buddy said...

We sing, "Jesus I believe in you and I would go to the ends of the earth for you", but we can start by going next door. Great word brother.

Mike, its on so far. We are going for it, and letting the Lord lead. Of course He can stop it, but it looks like all green lights at the moment, but what Michael is stating is the true motive pray for us.