Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Progress

"As I walked through the wilderness of this world, I lighted on a certain place where was a Den, and I laid me down in that place to sleep: and, as I slept, I dreamed a dream." - John Bunyan, The Pilgrims Progress

The puritan John Bunyan wrote these words over 300 years ago and yet they still ring true. Not only in Bunyans story of the pilgrims trying to find their way but also my life. I can account for my life these past few months, and speak as though I'm one of those pilgrims walking through the wilderness. Unlike John, I haven't found that rest just yet. Starting Criswell, looking for a job, seeking God on the future, and maintaing my present has been a challenge beyond anything else I could have ever imagined.

God has been that mighty Hand in which I fall in to. I've trusted Him for my relationship with Melissa, my grades, ministry, etc. Even in times I don't feel as if He were there, I still trust.

Even though I'm not sleeping, I can relate with Bunyan in "dreaming a dream." This would be simply a day dream of some sort but nevertheless a dream. There has been many events in the past few months that God has used to break me. Some just being the death of my Nana, the death of a cousin, living back at home, a girl friend who cares, and friends that challenge me. These things have brought me to my knees, and even when fail God in His great mercy and grace loves me since! Aside all my sin and twistedness He still loves me. I've tried to work all these things out in my flesh, which of course is the wrong way to go about anything in the Christian life. Thus, God has been working to make me totally dependant on Him. I realize that God is working in my life and is preparing me for my future. I'm not sure what that is, but He does.

I'm not sure if I'll ever wake up from the dream but I'm alright with that. I'll just press on like "Christian" and wait until I reach the "Celestial City."

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

God will finish the work He began in us! Praise God!