Tuesday, November 27, 2007

...it's the most wonderful...

Christmas...everybody loves Christmas. I mean... hot chocolate, family, Christmas movies, Christmas music, lights, snow(if your in Texas ..ice..) and the list goes on....but we all know the meaning of Christmas is Christ. right? I mean come on, we live in America where you can hear the name of Christ thrown around like a rag doll. Of course everybody knows we celebrate His birth on Christmas. Everybody knows about Jesus....(just go witnessing), but why is Christmas so lacking in the true message?

"A day" last week, Melissa asked me if I wanted to go to Wal Mart with her to buy some Christmas lights and etc. Well of course I said "yes", and I said yes to going into Wal Mart during one of the craziest times one could possibly imagine. Saturday...now Saturday in general is crazy...but Saturday after Thanksgiving...insane. But we went. Now Melissa can decorate anything, so the first place we went was of course the place where all the decorations were. I stood by the cart as she picked out some stuff. *Next we went somewhere else, then we picked out a card for "lil miss Holt" who was turning 9 that day. After that we walked around some more...and more...then we finally came to a stop. By this time...honestly I'm tired of people, I'm tired of walking....but over all the voices...over all the colors jumping out at your eyes...above everything else....there it was. A song...I dont even remember the name or the lyrics except "Christ is born, God's own Son." That was from God....for me...

Why is the true message missing? Because we can walk through Wal Mart and see all these pretty things with our eyes, get upset by all the people and not focus on the things above. God allowed me to go through Wal Mart to hear this song that touched my heart. That's Christmas. Who knew that God could reveal something to you in the middle of Wal Mart? I'm so thankful that we can celebrate the birth of Chrst. God Bless and Merry Christmas.

*(I'm more than likely adding more to it for the writing effect)

By the way...Melissa had fun!

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